Fittonia in Ø8CM Pot
A common choice for terrariums due to the compact growth, fittonias are extremely easy to care for and an excellent choice for beginners as well. Allow the leaves to droop a little before watering them and you will never overwater...
Epipremnum aureum (Money Plant) in Ø10CM Pot
A staple indoor plant and widely regarded as a beginner friendly plant, the Money plant tolerates less than ideal conditions well and never fails to find a way to grow. Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum Common names: Money plant, Devil's ivy,...
Begonia Rex in Ø12CM Pot
Rex Begonias are highly variable and comes in a wide variety of shapes and colors. It is popular for its tie-dye patterns and fabulous foliage. Generally easy to care for as long as it receives enough bright indirect sunlight.  Botanical...
Dracaena fragrans (Iron Tree)
One of the most common choice of houseplant due to how easy it is to care for. Tolerates shady areas and drought well, it survives neglect like no others. It is important to ensure that the soil does not remain...
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii' in Ø18CM Pot
One of the most common indoor plant of choice due to how hardy they are. Sansevieria can go without any watering for weeks and tolerate low lighting conditions like no others. Look no further for the perfect low maintenance indoor...
Monstera deliciosa
Native to rainforests of Central America, Monstera deliciosa have quickly become the must have plant for any house plant enthusiasts. They are relatively easy to care for and tolerates low lighting conditions well. They will grow best in a location...
Philodendron 'Pink Princess' in Ø17CM Pot
A most popular cultivar of the Philodendron erubescens due to the striking pink variegations. A hardy and easy to grow collector's plant, be sure to let it climb on a pole in order to put on larger leaves. Botanical Name:...
Epipremnum aureum (Money Plant) with pole
A staple indoor plant and widely regarded as a beginner friendly plant, the Money plant can tolerate all sorts of conditions and never fails to find a way to grow. It is popular as a hanging plant and as a...
Spathiphyllum 'Torelli' in Ø12CM Pot
A compact Spathiphyllum cultivar, 'Torelli' is bushy and the perfect size for any table in your household. The white flowers are large and eye-catching, one of the few plants that can flower indoors. Botanical Name: Spathiphyllum 'Torelli' Common names: Peace...
Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Money Tree)
A common houseplant popular all over the world due to how simple they are to care for. Their slow growing nature and long lasting foliage basically makes them a maintenance-free plant. They aren't fussy about lighting requirement but will appreciate...
Maranta leuconeura 'Fascinator' in Ø15CM Pot
Maranta leuconeura 'Fascinator' is a eye-catching plant with unique foliage patterns and charming movements. Its leaves resemble a ribcage with its shades of green and its pink veins. This plant enjoys high humidity and for its soil to be kept...
Spathiphyllum 'Silver Streak' in Ø12CM Pot
An sturdy new Spathiphyllum variety which has become popular in recent years. The velvety leaf texture and mesmerizing silver streak that runs down each leaf truly sets itself apart from other Spathiphyllum cultivars. An excellent choice for beginners and collectors...
Phalaenopsis Orchid
$28.00 $22.00
Phalaenopsis Orchid
A common flowering orchid well suited for most indoor spaces as a centrepiece. Phalaenopsis orchids are most elegant and graceful and are often given out as gifts. This delicate flower comes in a wide selection of colors, in both single...
$28.00 $22.00
Philodendron 'Ring of Fire' in Ø15CM Pot
A spectacular hybrid specimen with sawtooth shaped variegated leaves. Self-heading and grows easily even without a pole to climb on to. Now available to you at an affordable price. Botanical Name: Philodendron 'Ring of Fire' Common names: Philodendron 'Ring of Fire'...
Anthurium Red in Ø12CM Pot
Anthurium has stunning heart-shaped leaves, and the yellow stalk-like structure and red leaves strongly resemble flower petals. They are great for beginners but care must be taken to put it out of reach from pets and children as the leaves...
Aglaonema 'Pink Panama' in Ø15CM Pot
This Aglaonema variation has beautiful green and white speckles and pink veins. Like all Aglaonema it is easy to care for, with low maintenance and a preference for humidity.  Botanical Name: Aglaonema 'Pink Panama' Common names: Chinese evergreen Watering: Moderate...
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