Unmistakably aromatic, mint plant is commonly used in dishes as flavoring or simply as a herbal tea. The stems can be delicate so keep it away from being exposed to heavy rains and windy conditions if possible. Botanical Name: Mentha...
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Coloured Pussy Willow 彩色银柳 (Bundle of 10 Branches) - Red
A staple indoor decoration for the festive period, place in a vase of water and enjoy the  signs of a spring season as the fresh green leaves sprouts from the branches. The dormant flower buds will also expand and produce...
Thai Basil in Ø15CM Pot
A South-east Asian variety of the Basil plant, Thai Basil packs a much strong flavor and kick unlike the Sweet Basil commonly found in western cuisine. Thai Basil also grows well in the tropical climate, making it a great choice...
Holy Basil (Tulasi) in Ø15CM Pot
A popular herb cultivated for traditional medicine purposes & essential oils. It is also commonly used as a herbal tea in Ayurveda, and has a place within the Vaishnava tradition of Hinduism, in which devotees perform worship involving holy basil...
Jasmine in Ø20CM Pot
Long renown for the fragrance, Jasmine have been cultivated for a long time with numerous cultivars. Jasmine flowers are also traditionally consumed as a flower tea in China. Botanical Name: Jasminum sambac Common names: Arabian Jasmine, Sambac, Pikake, 茉莉 Watering:...
A popular groundcover plant that trails as it grows, flowers easily in the local climate. Highly recommended for beginners. It always sprouts five flat petals, with an 'eye' in the centre of another color. Comes in a variety of colors from...
Jujube (Pokok Bidara) in Ø20CM Pot
An extensively cultivated fruit plant for thousands of years, Jujube plant continues to remain as a staple in many cultures as it is widely touted as a fruit with many health benefits. Grows well in the local climate, but can be...
Ixora in Ø26CM Pot
Though native to the tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world, its centre of diversity is in Tropical Asia. A common sight in the local landscape as they grow well in the local climate and flowers year round. Botanical Name:...
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Pussy Willow 银柳 (Bundle of 10 Branches)
A staple indoor decoration for the festive period, place in a vase of water and enjoy the  signs of a spring season as the fresh green leaves sprouts from the branches. The dormant flower buds will also expand and produce...
Gardenia in Ø25CM Pot
Native to parts of South-east Asia, Gardenias are excellent choices for gardens with plenty of sun. Be treated to the large white flower when it blooms, heavily fragrant and stands out above the everything else. Botanical Name: Gardenia jasminoides. Common...
Oncidesa Goldiana 'Golden Shower' in Ø16CM Pot
A popular local Oncidium hybrid species, the unique flower shape and bright yellow color easily makes them a favorite for any orchid lover. Botanical Name: Gomesa flexuosa × Oncidium sphacelatum Common names: Dancing Lady Orchid, Oncidium Golden Wish Watering: Moderate...
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Coffea arabica (Coffee Plant) in Ø15CM Pot
Native to the highlands of Ethiopia, the coffee plant have been cultivated by humanity for centuries for their caffeine rich beans. Coffee plant grows vigorously but can be slow to mature and fruit. Botanical Name: Coffea arabica Common names: Coffee...
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Celosia 凤尾花 in Ø25CM Pot
Celosia are easily one of most recognisable flowering plants when people think about Chinese New Year, as their brightly colored Yellow and Red blooms perfectly sets the mood for the festive season. Traditionally, the flower which resembles a Phoenix's tail...
Dracaena fragrans (Iron Tree)
One of the most common choice of houseplant due to how easy it is to care for. Tolerates shady areas and drought well, it survives neglect like no others. It is important to ensure that the soil does not remain...
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Rose in Ø15CM Pot
Symbolizing femininity & refinement, you will never go wrong with a pot of Roses. While not the most suited to the local climate, they can grow and bloom when given the right care. Grows best under bright indirect lighting or under...
Dendrobium 'Dwarf' on wood
Miniature cultivar of the popular Dendrobium orchid, smaller in size but just as easy to care for. A common epiphyte seen in Singapore gardens, grows easily and flowers throughout the year with adequate care. Numerous cultivars and varieties are available, all...
Asplenium nidus 'Crispy Wave' in Ø8CM Pot
Unlike the bird's nest fern commonly seen outside, the 'Crispy Wave' cultivar delivers a unique visual shock with its spectacular crinkly leaves. It thrives in terrariums and around the house, being a natural air-purifier. Botanical Name: Asplenium nidus 'Crispy Wave' Common...
Laksa Leaf in Ø15CM Pot
Most commonly used in the local Laksa cuisine, the laksa leaf plant is also widely used in Vietnamese cuisines. Grows well in the local climate, stems can also be propagated after the leaves have been harvested. Botanical Name: Persicaria odorata...
Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Raven' in Ø17CM Pot
A new & exotic looking cultivar of the popular ZZ plant which leaves that matures into a glossy, deep black color, hence known as the 'Raven'. Just as easy to care for as a regular ZZ plant,  Botanical Name: Zamioculcas...
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Syngonium 'Milk Confetti' in Ø12CM Pot
Pink variegated variety of the popular Syngonium. An incredibly sturdy aroid, Syngoniums are perfect for indoor locations with lesser lighting. While the juvenile form retains an attractive arrowhead leaf shape, its leaves morphs into a compound leaf with multiple leaflets...
Tabernaemontana divaricata (Thai Jasmine)
Tabernaemontana divaricata, commonly called pinwheel flower, crepe jasmine, East India rosebay, and Nero's crown, is an evergreen shrub or small tree native to South Asia, Southeast Asia and China. Botanical Name: Tabernaemontana divaricata Common names: Crepe Jasmine, pinwheel flower Watering:...
Aglaia odorata (Chinese Perfume Plant) in Ø23CM Pot
Commonly grown as bonsai, the tiny fragrant yellow flowers emit a lovely citrus fragrance that easily attracts butterflies for its nectar. It is also known as Chinese rice flower as each flower looks like a grain of rice.  Botanical Name: Aglaia...
Melampodium in Ø15CM Pot
An easy growing flowering plant with petite yellow flowers. Keep an eye out for leaf eating insects. Botanical Name: Melampodium paludosum Common names: Butter Daisy, 小黄菊 Watering: Moderate watering. Always check if top inch of soil is dry before watering thoroughly. Lighting:...
Ficus lyrata 'Bambino'
Native to tropical central Africa, Ficus lyrata is a popular ornamental tree species due to the uniquely shaped large foliage & tree appearance. Suitable for most bright indoor locations, but pay special care to avoid overwatering. Botanical Name: Ficus lyrata...
Syngonium podophyllum 'Batik'
An incredibly sturdy aroid, this stunning arrowhead plant captures all attention with the striking venation on the leaves. Due to this variety's deeply intricate design It is named for its resemblance to Batik, the traditional art of wax dyeing. This easy...
Commonly referred to as desert rose, Adeniums are extremely popular locally due to how well they are suited to the hot & sunny climate here. Comes in a wide variety of cultivar with difference flowering patterns & colours. Botanical Name:...
Dracaena fragrans 'Golden Heart' in Ø14CM Pot
One of the most common choice of houseplant due to how easy it is to care for. Tolerates shady areas and drought well, it survives neglect like no others. It is important to ensure that the soil does not remain...
Guava in Ø24CM Pot
Native to the tropical Americas region, Guava fruits can be eaten both raw or cooked. Grows easily in tropical climates & enjoys plenty of sunlight. Botanical Name: Psidium guajava Common names: Guava, Jambu Batu, Jambu Biji, Jambu Kampuchia, 番石榴, 芭乐...
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana in Ø7.5CM Pot
As Kalanchoe blooms for a minimum of 8 weeks. This endurance gives the plant its symbolic meaning of persistence and eternal love. An easy beginner's flowering plant to care for with blooms that last for over a weeks. Water thoroughly...
Mugwort in Ø16CM Pot
Aromatic and slightly bitter leaves can be eaten raw or cooked, as well as young spring shoots. The leaves and buds, best picked shortly before mugwort flowers in July to September, can be used as a bitter flavoring agent to...
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