Unmistakably aromatic, mint plant is commonly used in dishes as flavoring or simply as a herbal tea. The stems can be delicate so keep it away from being exposed to heavy rains and windy conditions if possible. Botanical Name: Mentha...
Rosemary in Ø15CM Pot
An aromatic herb used to flavor food and meats such as pork, lamb, beef, chicken & turkey. It has a distinct fragrance that makes it a staple in western cuisine. Grows well in full sun and sufficient watering, trim the...
Chilli Padi in Ø15CM Pot
A dwarf chilli cultivar that packs a whole lot of spice popular throughout Southeast-Asian cuisine. The uniquely upright pointing fruits & tiny white flowers are an easy way to distinguish it from other Chilli species & varieties. Grows best with...
Thai Basil in Ø15CM Pot
A South-east Asian variety of the Basil plant, Thai Basil packs a much strong flavor and kick unlike the Sweet Basil commonly found in western cuisine. Thai Basil also grows well in the tropical climate, making it a great choice...
Holy Basil (Tulasi) in Ø15CM Pot
A popular herb cultivated for traditional medicine purposes & essential oils. It is also commonly used as a herbal tea in Ayurveda, and has a place within the Vaishnava tradition of Hinduism, in which devotees perform worship involving holy basil...
Sweet Basil in Ø15CM Pot
A sweet yet slightly spicy garden herb commonly used fresh, it is also the main ingredient in pesto sauces. While basil grows easily, it is a tender plant and is easily damaged by heavy rains and winds. Botanical Name: Ocimum...
Centella asiatica (Asiatic Pennywort) in Ø15CM Pot
A common plant in Sri Lankan cuisine, frequently used raw in salads, or accompanied by rice. It is also used in traditional medicine to treat various disorders and wounds. This cute plant sprouts flat round leaves like a coin combined...
Cat Whiskers in Ø17CM Pot
True to its name, this plant has ethereal purple or white flowers with delicate stamen that resemble the whiskers of a cat. It is often brewed into teas due to its medicinal properties for ailments in the kidney and stomach. This...
Pomegranate in Ø26CM Pot
An unmistaken fruit packed full of seeds & known for high levels of anti-oxidants, the Pomegranate also has significance in many cultures being associated with prosperity or fertility. Botanical Name: Punica granatum Common names: Pomegranate, 石榴 Watering: Moderate watering. Always check...
Lavender in Ø16CM Pot
Commonly grown as an ornamental plant & known for its relaxing fragrant scent. Grows well with bright lighting but do not keep soil wet for long periods of time. Botanical Name: Lavandula angustifolia Common names: English Lavender, 薰衣草 Watering: Moderate...
Curry Leaf in Ø17CM Pot
A member of the Murraya genus and a familiar sight in Asian dishes, curry leaves are most commonly used to flavor Indian cuisine. The pinnate leaves also makes for an attractive addition to any herb garden. Botanical Name: Murraya koenigii Common...
Lime in Ø24CM Pot
A staple fruit in South-east Asian cuisine, the humble Lime is one of the many hybrid species in the Citrus family. As with other Citrus plants, be careful of the sharp thorns along the stem and branches. Grows best with...
Indian Borage in Ø15CM Pot
The indian borage's succulent & velvety leaves are frequently used as flavoring herb in dishes and in medicinal tea. Indian Borage is also relatively sturdy, making them a great choice for beginners trying their hands with herb plants. Botanical Name:...
Aloe vera in Ø15CM Pot
Aloe vera is well known for its gel's beneficial properties as a home remedy to treat burns and acne. The jelly-like flesh of the leaves is also edible, used in beverages and desserts. This cactus-like plant is easy to care for...
Lemon Balm in Ø16CM Pot
A member of the Mint family, it is easy to mistake it for a regular mint plant, they are best distinguished by the fresh lemon scent. Lemon balm can be consumed in a wide variety of ways and is known...
Clinacanthus nutans (Sabah Snake Grass) in Ø15CM Pot
Traditionally, this plant has been used by the locals to treat insect and snake bites, skin rashes, diabetes and dysentery. In Malaysia, the fresh leaves of this plant are usually boiled with water and consumed as herbal tea. Botanical Name:...
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